Loving this. It's the delicious Book Cover Archive - "an archive of book cover designs and designers, for the purpose of appreciation and categorization".
If you're on the verge of designing a book cover --here's your plan::
Cover Design Guideline
One element to take control, that commands the overwhelming majority of attention, of space and cover's emphasis. Your book cover is a billboard, trying to catch the attention of browsers as they speed by. Billboards usually have 6 words or less. You have to “get it” at 60 miles per hour, in 3 to 5 seconds.
A book cover needs to do the same thing. At a glance your prospect ought to know;
- the genre of your book,
- the general subject matter or focus, and
- some idea of the tone or “ambiance” of the book.
Is it a thriller? A software manual? A memoir of your time in Fiji? Your ideas on reform of the monetary system? Each of these books needs a cover that tells at a glance what the book is about.
- Make everything count—If you'e going to introduce a graphic element, make sure it helps you communicate with the reader.
- Use the background—General rule is to avoid white backgrounds, because it disappears on retailer’s white screens. Use a color, a texture, or a background illustration instead. --but oh how I looove clean + white striking designs --ding dang.
- Make your title large—Reduce your cover design on screen to the size of a thumbnail on Amazon and see if you can read it. Can you make out what it’s about? If not, simplify.
- Use a font that’s easy to read—See above. There’s no sense using a font that’s unreadable when it’s radically reduced. Particularly watch out for script typefaces, the kind that look lacy and elegant at full size. They often disappear when small.
- Find images that clarify—Try not to be too literal. Look for something that expresses the mood, historical period, or overall tone of the book; provide a context.
- Stay with a few colors—If you don’t feel comfortable picking colors, look at some of the color palettes available online to get a selection of colors that will work well together.
So, YES! You can judge a book by its cover --we all do it {okay I don't know about you, I'll just speak for my designer-self, YES I CAN!}